How do I get my car parking vouchers?

Rosyth, Newcastle & Belfast


If you have booked and pre-paid for car parking via Fred. Olsen for Rosyth, Newcastle or Belfast a voucher is not required. The car parks at these ports operate a convenient vehicle recognition system, so all we need is for you to let us know your car registration, make and whether you require a disabled parking space at the time of booking.


Dover, Southampton, Portsmouth & Liverpool


If you have booked car parking with ABP (Southampton), CPS (Portsmouth & Liverpool) or DHB (Dover), you will be advised at the time of booking what documentation will be sent and required to present on arrival at the port.


Complimentary Car Parking


If you have booked a cruise that includes complimentary car parking, you're still required to book a car parking space.

Fred. Olsen will issue a complimentary voucher 2 to 3 weeks before sailing and this will be posted directly, or via your travel agent. This complimentary voucher must be presented to car park staff upon arrival. Regrettably, if guests forget this voucher they will be required to pay the full ‘on the day’ rate, which cannot be reimbursed by Fred. Olsen.

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